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Paints and Coatings
because the frictional resistance it can predict fuel savings generated by Mr Stenson said the patented
causes has a major impact on a vessel’s eco-eficient technology, includingluoropolymer chemistry in Intersleek
operational eficiency.”hull coatings. While the economic 1100SR combated slime growth and
He said that while bunker prices importance of hull roughness reduced fuel usage by an average of 9%.
had dropped, hull roughness still mitigation as a means to deliverAnother company which has been
evaluating hull performance, in close
remained a focal point for a numbermore environmental and operational
of reasons including environmental eficiencies is undisputable, provingcooperation with Mediterranean
legislation, as well as pressure from the AHR of a vessel or leet is a more Shipping Company (MSC), is Jotun
shippers and charterers to improve abstract challenge and one synonymous Marine Coatings.
sustainability. As a result, ship owners with all eco-eficient technologies.With almost 500 vessels, MSC
and operators must continue to deliver has one of the world’s largest leets of
greater environmental and operational containerships and to help the company
eficiencies to maximise proitability and reduce its bunkering fuel cost and
marketability of their vessels.associated CO2 emissions, it undertook Minimising hull
“In order to achieve this, it is of a comprehensive programme to improve
fundamental importance that reliable fuel eficiency in 2011.roughness is a long-
It worked with Jotun , launching a
estimations of hull roughness are
available so that ship owners can select pilot programme to test the impact of established and
the optimal coating technology for antifouling on speed loss.important objective
their vessels to maximise eficiency. Jotun’s HPS concept combines
International’s work represents a major premium marine coatings for ship owners and
step towards this aim.”(SeaQuantum X200), priority technical
The aim of International’s AHR service and onboard monitoring tools
methodology is to improve vessel to measure hull performance over
performance by providing enhanced time, providing an analytical basis for Philip Stenson, Technology
predictions on the frictional resistance of the company’s money-back guarantee Leader, International
modern vessel hulls, as well as a fuel saving that covers the entire period between ”
dry dockings.
potential of fouling control coatings.
It will account for the individual The data allows owners to make
needs of each vessel and the widemore informed decisions about coatings “The provision of additional
range of factors that inluence AHR and ship operations, helping them to clarity through International’s AHR
including substrate preparation, coating distinguish between competing coatings methodology will provide an important
technology, vessel type and vesselsuppliers and quantify the impact on tangible demonstration to ship owners
route – for instance, a vessel with antifoulings on fuel usage.of the rate of change of hull roughness,
regular trading routes in warmer waters Jotun’s SeaQuantum X200 was helping to build trust between
such as a cruise ship operating in the applied to MSC’s 8,772teu containership manufacturers and owners and driving
Caribbean will require more robust MSC Adelaide and initial results are said shipping eficiency and sustainability.”
protection because the water and time to be very encouraging.The methodology is backed up by a
spent stationary in port encourages the “SeaQuantum X200 has shown torecent independent industry research
settlement of fouling organisms that be an effective antifouling technologyby the University College of London’s
increase frictional resistance and impact to lower fuel costs and associated (UCL) Energy Institute, commissioned
on eficiency.carbon emissions, consistent with MSC’s by International, which showed that
Even with the current lowercommitment to a healthier supply chain,” advanced hull coatings are the most
fuel prices, Mr Stenson said a small said a statement from MSC.widely used eco-eficient technology
percentage reduction in fuel usage Robert Multari, Marine Sales adopted by the shipping sector.
continues to generate signiicant savings Director for Jotun, said MSC had agreed International’s latest foul release
and by providing greater accuracy in to use HPS (hull performance solutions) coating, Intersleek 1100SR is said to be
hull roughness predictions, the AHR on 12 vessels including the world’s the shipping industry’s irst biocide free
methodology is an important tool that largest containership, MSC Oscar.hill coating to tackle the age old problem
will aid ship owners to make smarter “MSC have remained a true giant in of slime –a complex, varied and dynamic
coating decisions.the container segment by quietly making composition of organisms that colonises
“From a wider industry perspective, smart investments at the right time to surfaces as soon as they enter the
International maintains that its AHR improve their business and improve water which has been proven to have an
methodology can play a key role in environmental performance,” he added.adverse effect on frictional resistance,
efforts by the shipping industry to “We are conident that they have costing the industry 44 million extra
adopt accurate methodologies thatmade the right choice with HPS.”tonnes of bunker fuel each year.
The SHIP Supplier 60th Anniversary Edition 1955-2015 55