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Paints and Coatings
Chemco completes large contract in China
Chemco has developed mechanical preparation as by eliminating
a unique, multi-purpose the requirement of the abrasive blasting
tank lining system, suitable process, substantial time and cost
for corrosion protection savings can be achieved.
applications in the “Furthermore, additional time and
following tanks – sea water cost savings can be achieved due to the
ballast, potable water, ‘wet tolerant’ properties of the Chemco
crude and reined oil, system. This allows immediate coating
cargo, grey water/sewage application to the soaking wet surface,
and mud/brine.unlike conventional paint systems which
The system uses state require the tanks to be dehumidiied
of the art, solvent-free, for two to three days before coating
wet and rust tolerantapplication can begin.”
hemco International has recently technology including the epoxy primer Chemco’s tank coating has received
completed a substantial ballast Epo-chem RS 500P and glasslake epoxy ABS certiication for ballast tank
tank refurbishment contract inmain coat/topcoat Epo-chem RA 500M.maintenance for applications on bare,
China, covering over 40,000m2.A spokeman for the Scottish-based blast cleaned and wet and rusty steel
The project involved high pressurecompany said the unique characteristics and Lloyds Type Approval for newbuild
water jetting the substrate to prepare of this system allow any surface applications on bare steel and shop
the surface, with inaccessible areas preparation method to be utilised; primed surfaces. NSF certiication for
prepared by mechanical preparation and abrasive blasting, water jetting or fresh drinking water applications and
this was followed by a stripe coat and mechanical preparation. However, to FDA Approval for Food Contact and
touch-up coat of the company’s Epo- maximise time and cost savings, Chemco Potable Water applications have also
chem RS 500P coating system.recommends using water jetting orbeen obtained. u