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Paints and Coatings

Anticipating industry changes and can be specified up to 90 months vessel Seagard, which operates all year 
responding to customer demands, dry docking interval. This, together round in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea 

Hempel, building on its industry proven with a 3% fuel saving, means that and North Sea.
GLOBIC and DYNAMIC range of these antifouling systems offer an Sijmen Visser, Global Marketing 

antifouling systems, has announced the unparalleled return on investment.”Manager Marine at PPG, explained that 

launch of two new antifouling products The company has also launchedthe vessel regularly encounters heavy 
for dry-dockings and newbuildings, a new high performance range – ice conditions and in order to navigate 

which are said to deliver savings of up to HEMPADUR QUATTRO XO - of pure safely in such an environment, it was 
3% and provide added lexibility to ship epoxy PSPC compliant coatings for the built with extra features to face the ice 

owners and yards.newbuildings market.conditions encountered in the Baltic Sea.
GLOBIC 800 is a new hydrolysing Although speciically developed “In addition to these construction 

self-polishing antifouling product that for ballast water tanks in new vessels, improvements, an abrasion-resistant
incorporates Hempel’s nano acrylate the new coating can also be used as a ice coating was required to protect the 

technology which delivers a ine uni-primer for most vessels, above and hull from the ice impact and gouging 
polishing control mechanism to bring below the waterline.occurring on the ice belt and lat bottom.

the integral biocides to the surface at a Meanwhile, PPG Protective & “The use of such a coating is vital to 
minimise damage, maintain vessel safety 
stable rate ensuring a clean hull.Marine Coatings, has come up with 
DYNAMIC 800, also launched a coating aimed at offering ultimate and reduce subsequent repair costs on 

recently, uses silylated acrylate protection for vessels operating in the hull.”
technology to deliver an antifouling extreme ice-going conditions.PPG offers two abrasion-resistant 

service at high speeds.Bore, which offers industrial ice coatings – SIGMASHIELD 460 
Andreas Glud, Hempel’s Group shipping services with a highly- and SIGMASHIELD 1200 – which

Product Manager, said: “These two maintained leet, consisting of vessels are selected depending on the 
new products offer a wider choice that have year-round service and Ice anticipated ice conditions during 

for owners and yards and deliver Class 1A or 1A Super, suitable for service life and for Seagard, the latter 
exceptional value for money. They sailing in irst year thin and medium ice, was recommended to provide optimal 

comprise 58% volume solids andneeded a solution for its ro-ro containerunderwater hull protection. u

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