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Pumps, Compressors and Turbochargers

Speeding up overhaul of turbochargers

manufacturer of turbochargers is aiming to reduce by experienced and certiied ABB Turbocharging service 
customer overhaul turn-around time from as much engineers with original ABB parts. It also features equipment 

as one week down to a day after launching its most for dynamic balancing, hardness testing, ultrasonic washing, 
northerly service point in Norway.sandblasting and high pressure cleaning equipment.

ABB Turbocharging launched the service point in Tromsø He said the service point in Tromsø was well positioned 
in December and said it had allowed the company to further to cover the service needs throughout the greater Northern 

meet customer requirements as it signiicantly decreases the Region including the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia: 
turn-around time for original turbocharging service in the area, “With the large and well-connected airport and the major 

saving time for customers by as much as four days.harbour with frequent marine trafic we can serve our 
ABB turbochargers increase power four-fold in gas and customers in that area with increased speed and lexibility.”

diesel engines and substantially reduce emissions. They are As with other ABB Turbocharging service stations around 
critical components in all sea-going vessels with combustion the globe, via this new Arctic station ABB can upgrade

engines and ‘time is money’turbochargers to new 

when it comes to servicingspeciications, which helps 
for operators of merchantcustomers manage their 

ships, offshore vessels andcosts and is also good news 
ishing boats.for the environment.

“With the launch of “ABB offers upgrades 
the Service Point located and retroits for 

at Skattøya Harbour in turbochargers to optimise 
Tromsø, we can fulil most performance and costs. 

common service jobs for Examples are reductions in 
our customers within just fuel consumption, NOx and 

24 hours,” said Joachim exhaust temperatures, which 

Bremer, Manager for in turn reduce wear and 
ABB Turbocharging in tear,” said Mr Bremer, adding 

Scandinavia.that such improvements
“It offers overhauls can cut emissions and 

and repairs performedoperational expenditure. u

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