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Australian Ship Suppliers & Services Association Q&A
Special Report

What are the most important issues (challenges or problems) Regarding the global recession in shipping, have Australian 
for Australian ship suppliers at this time? What are the main ship suppliers been suffering because of this? What can your 

interests of your members?
Association do to help them?

Our members service Australian Ports around the nation and due Obviously, due to the global financial crisis, Australia has 

to size and complexity, members integrate their logistics to suffered, along with most other countries around the world. 
consolidate and deliver to ports in the most economical way. The There has been a downturn in general industry trends but also, 

Australian ship supplier is extremely aware of time and distance we have had to change our methods of operation and be 
as part of our geographic positioning and we emphasise and focus flexible in our thinking to ensure these change requirements 

on this to provide timely and accurate deliveries in all ports, are implemented, ensuring the most economical method of 
including: Adelaide, Albany, Brisbane, Broome, Bunbury, supply is maintained – this encompasses both procurement 

Dampier/Port Walcott, Darwin, Esperance, Fremantle, channels and supply chains. It has been a global experience but, 
Geraldton, Gladstone, Hobart, Mackay, Melbourne, Newcastle, especially in Australia, a world crisis can foster and promote a 

Port Hedland, Port Kembla, Sydney and Townsville. In addition, new way of thinking and problem solving to provide the best 

members must be aware of terminal/port authority rules, service possible without any future interruptions due to 
regulations and access restrictions.
economical disadvantages.


Looking to the future, what are your related to shipping avenues and Standards and operating with 
hopes for the next five years for the customer requirements – through experienced personnel. Australian ship 

Australian ship supply industry?
regular meetings and discussion groups. suppliers are making their mark in the 

They also work together to assist in world of ship supply. With greater 
With the changes in our local economy general ship supplies, offering the sailings to and from Australia our 

and the recovery of other countries,
customer the best possible service at members have a reputation for 
we see positive roads ahead – with the that time of supply.
innovation and quality using modern 

increase in shipping in many industries business techniques. This all goes well 
reliant on supply and services to and from Please discuss any further points for their future success. u

overseas. This includes the automobile relating to your association which you 
industry (Ford, Toyota, Holden), the feel may be of interest to our readers.
Thanks to Fen Thompson, ASSA 

construction and establishment of new Chairman; Paul Begg, ASSA Secretariat 
gas works in Gladstone, primary The size of Australia between ports, and members of ASSA for their assistance 

industries and agricultural mining.
combined with a small population with this article

denotes ‘outside the box’ thinking to 
How can Australian ship suppliers work ensure we are flexible in our methods to 

together to strengthen the ship supply provide our customers with all their 1/ Staff from Southern Cross Marine Supplies: 
industry in general?
needs. To promote Australia we need to Sylvie ( promotional staff ) / Li Yonghong, China 
Manager / Jim Costalos, General Manager / Con 
highlight our strengths in areas of 
Australian ship suppliers work together quality goods and service, and show we Costalos, Australian Marketing Manager / Cesco 
Finato, Mackay Manager / Chris McGregor, 
by exchanging and sharing information
are compliant with Food Handling
Brisbane Manager / Vavara (promotional staff)

2014 Issue 62 
The SHIP Supplier 17

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