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Regional Focus

Ebola impacts on Mercy Ships

could infect more than “Postponing our field service in West 

20,000 people before it is Africa was the right decision. 

brought under control, Mercy Nevertheless, it was difficult. We have 
Ships has made the decision served in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia 

to accept an invitation by the at least 13 times within the past two 
government of Madagascar decades. However, our specialised 

for its next field service until surgical ship has multi-bed wards and isn’t 
summer 2015.”
equipped with isolation facilities needed, 
should we be faced with Ebola patients. Describing the greatest 
The Mercy Ship is also unique in that we challenges for Mercy Ships in 

sail with families and children onboard.
facing this outbreak, Mr
ollowing the Ebola outbreak, Stephens added: “The safety of our crew “The safety of our crew and patients 

Mercy Ships, a fleet of hospital and patients is our top priority; and we is our top priority; and we are keenly 

vessels which provides health are keenly aware that our ship is a aware that our ship is a magnet for those 
care and surgery for the world’s poorest magnet for those who are ill. A major who are ill. A major concern – both for 

people, has postponed planned concern – both for our patients as well our patients as well as for our crew - is 
operations in West Africa, choosing as for our crew - is that our hospital ship that our hospital ship in a West African 

Madagascar as the focus for its next field in a West African port would only port would only encourage Ebola 
service (until summer 2015) instead.
encourage Ebola patients to cross patients to cross borders seeking our 

Don Stephens, Mercy Ships borders seeking our help. That would be help. That would be counterproductive 
President and Founder explained the counterproductive to the cessation of to the cessation of this horrible viral 

situation: “With the recent World Health this horrible viral outbreak which outbreak which requires people to stay 
Organization announcement that the requires people to stay in isolation and in isolation and affected nation’s efforts 

deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa
affected nation’s efforts at containment.
at containment.” u

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