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Special Report
In a special report, the Australian Ship Suppliers & Services Association (ASSA) reports
on this vibrant region and the unique issues and challenges facing its members.
Cities and Lifestyle
sparks great energy for fabulous multicultural society including
festivals and spectacular events. Indigenous Australians – Aboriginal and
ustralia’s vibrant cities best Australia is a stable, democratic and Torres Strait Islander peoples – and
show off this nation’s genius for culturally diverse society with a skilled migrants from some 200 countries.
blending a world of influence in workforce, modern market economy In land area, Australia is the sixth
lifestyle and culture. You can see it in our and a population of 23 million. In 2012 largest nation after Russia, Canada,
architecture; experience it in our it was the 13th largest national China, the United States of America and
cosmopolitan precincts, shops, theatres economy in the world by nominal Gross Brazil. Mainland Australia is the world’s
and bars; watch it in our people; taste it Domestic Product (GDP) and ranked largest island and the smallest and the
in our food; smell it in the scent of the the 21st largest importer and the 22nd flattest continent on Earth. It lies
ocean or the bush backdrops to all our argest exporter.
between 10° and 39° South latitude.
great cities.
The Australian dollar (AUD) is the
Sporting nation
Each of the eight capital cities currency of the Commonwealth of
showcases our fresh and uniquely Australia and its territories and the
Australians love watching and Australian style. From the vibrant Asian Australian economy is dominated by its
participating in sport. Despite the and Aboriginal influences of tropical service sector, representing almost 70%
relatively small population, Australia has Darwin to the convict-built buildings of of Australian GDP. The agricultural and
produced world champions in most Hobart, from the rich fashion, food and mining sectors account for 57% of the
sports. At the 2012 London Olympic sports culture of Melbourne to the nation's exports. Australian exports are a
Games Australians won seven gold, 16 cutting edge of Sydney. While Canberra mix of minerals and energy,
silver and 12 bronze medals and ranked is home to a wealth of national manufacturing, rural products and
10th overall in the medal tally. Australia’s institutions, Brisbane is laid back, services. Tourism is the nation’s largest
Paralympic athletes ranked fifth in the Adelaide is elegant and Perth is a scenic services export industry.
world, with a total of 85 medals: 32 gold, city where water sports abound.
Unique attributes
23 silver and 30 bronze. Australia even Typical city life reflects the vigour of
managed a gold medal at the 2010 Winter a young, wealthy and ambitious nation
Olympics held in Vancouver, two silver combined with a relaxed and casual Australia is the only continent to
medals and a bronze medal in Sochi 2014 outlook, passion for local food and have a single government and the
- not bad for a nation known for sunshine produce and a love for outdoor living Australian Federation consists of six
and sandy beaches. u
and water-based recreation. This mix
States and two Territories with a
Issue 62 2014
16 The SHIP Supplier