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Meat and Fresh Produce

“Our high level of animal welfare, Ship Supply, said the demand for quality same for long, the business itself is 
environmental protection , food safety and healthier products was also very dynamic and it expects the service 

such as the control of veterinary true for the oil and gas industry.
companies who provide to it to be 
medicines and residues, and the equally forward thinking and innovative.
“The oil and gas industry has 

absence of any growth promoters are identified the importance of dietary “New regulations regarding the 

very positive attributes when selling control to both ensure the health and notification of allergens within product 
premium meats.”
welfare of their staff and help to ingredients have meant a requirement 

Mr Garnier said there had been a call control/reduce people’s weight/BMI. for more scrutiny and control over 
for healthier meat products in particular Obesity is a growing problem in the UK what we eat and how the caterers 

grass-fed meat which is in high demand and the oil industry recognises the provide the information to their 
due to its healthier fatty acid importance of keeping the workforce fit clients,” said Mr Morrice.

composition with higher content of and healthy.”
“As ever, the suppliers are tasked 
omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic with ensuring traceability, origin He added: “The oil and gas industry 

acids and vitamin E.
etcetera which is quite demanding when eats very well and best sellers are still 
the product varieties required for oil and “Regarding processed meats, the main frozen meat, poultry and fish 

gas supplies can range into many customers are increasingly looking for lines. But we are seeing a concerted 

hundreds of varied items. The products low in fat, with lower salt push towards fresh Scotch beef and 
availability of fresh produce then, for content or gluten-free.”
fresh fish to supplement these frozen 

example fresh fish with traceability back lines. Local produce in season is very Stanley Morrice, Director at 
to the very boat which caught it (and popular as the quality of the produce is
Strachans, the offshore part of Wrist

where it was caught) brings comfort and extremely high.”
security to the end user.
Traceability too, is a key word,

as within the oil and gas He concluded: “Perhaps a step back 
industry nothing
into the past and the ways of local, fresh 

sourcing provides a step into the future.” u
stays the

2014 Issue 62 
The SHIP Supplier 19

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