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Pumps, Compressors and Turbochargers


in compressor market

amrotor Marine Compressors is introducing a new However, that changed recently with the introduction by 
compressor series, the TMC 400-450 series of the company of compressor solutions that are compliant with 

screw compressors, which increase the capacity all requirements for offshore use.
range to 70 m3/min.The custom-engineered compressors have a capacity range 

With a footprint of only 5.77m2 and a capacity range from of 10-55 m3/min and are approved for non-hazardous zone and 

40.6 m3/min to 69.3 m3/min and pressures from 8 to 13 bar, the EX zone 1 and EX zone 2 installations. They are compact with 
Norwegian-based company says it is a unique compressor in low noise level and can be delivered with electric, diesel driven 

terms of capacity versus footprint and expects the series to be and hydraulic systems and can be water or air-cooled.
highly welcomed in the market.The custom engineered compressors are also approved by 

“With this new series and the TMC 86-124 series that was all major class societies, are ATEX certiied and meet NORSOK 
introduced last year, we are now offering a complete range of requirements with all documentation requirements for 

marine screw compressors from 1-70 m3/min,” said Per Kjellin, offshore use maintained in the TMC documentation system.
Managing Director of TMC.The Jurong Shipyard in Singapore recently chose TMC 

“Adding to this the custom engineered compressor for custom engineered compressors for a series of 7 drillships to 
offside and topside installations that were also introduced last be operated by Sete Brazil. The 14 topside compressors will be 

year, we are now very excited to be able to offer a full range of containerised, diesel driven, air cooled and used in connection 
with a burner boom operation.
compressed air systems for marine and offshore use.”
The TMC 86-124 series, introduced in 2014, closed the TMC has also appointed a new exclusive agent for the 

gap in TMC’s compressor range, offering a medium range Middle East. Ulmatec Services is part of the Ulmatec Group, 
compressor for all application areas from bulk handling to which develops and delivers marine technology and services 

instrument air. It is available as conventional models and as to customers worldwide, and was established in 2013 with an 
TMC Smart Air energy saving models, the technology which ofice and workshop facilities in Dubai.

reduces energy consumption by about half, signiicantly It offers a wide variety of marine services with the core 
reducing energy costs and harmful being servicing and repair of diesel engines and 

TMC has been supplying standard compressor packages to various products from European marine equipment suppliers.
the engine rooms offshore for many years but has not had anyTMC says the new partnership will strengthen its position 

offerings that fully satisied offshore and and presence in the Middle East.
topside requirements.The company also recently announced the appointment 

of Henriette Sydnes Breilo as the new QHSE Manager for 

TMC and its sister company Nessco. Ms Breilo, who takes up 
her post on 1st August, will be a familiar name to many TMC 

customers and contacts as she worked at TMCand Nessco in 
various roles between 1994 and 2005 and part of this time as 

Quality Manager. u

The SHIP Supplier 60th Anniversary Edition 1955-2015

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