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Norwegian customers opt 

Tfor longer escape slides

he all-electric Zero Cat ferry, liferaft. Survitec's slide systems will be 
currently under construction at supplied in time for the ferry’s delivery to 

the Fjellstrand yard in Norway, Norled in September.
will enter service next year with Norled Sales of longer escape slides to

as the first Norwegian vessel equipped Norwegian customers have also been 

with Survitec Group's most advanced achieved following the recent delivery of 
ESS MES automatic escape slide system.
two 7.7-metre systems for the newly the evacuation needs of a wide variety of 

completed Ryylke and Hardanger ferries. vessels. This is facilitated by the The new slide can be launched and 
These ships were also built for Norled but company's ability to offer a full range of ready for passenger use with the touch 

at the Remontowa yard in Poland. They slide systems from 1.5 to 3.8m (Mini- of a button and without any further 
were the first Norwegian vessels to be Slide) and 3.8m to 12.5 m (Medium intervention by the crew. This is now 

fitted with Survitec’s Medium Escape Inflatable Slide, twin tracks) of freeboard. being seen by ship operators as an 
Slides and are notable as being the first When vessels have a freeboard in excess important safety benefit especially 

ferries in the world to be powered by LNG of 12.5m, Survitec offers a broad range of when crew members may be actively 
(Liquefied Natural Gas.)
chute and raft evacuation systems up to a engaged in dealing with other aspects of 

capacity of 860 including the award an emergency.
The two gas-powered ships have 

winning Marin Ark system.
recently entered service on a route When it enters service the Norled- 
between Stavanger and Tau in Norway. operated Zero Cat will be fitted with four These first sales of the 3.8 metre 

The evacuation capacity of the slides and of the automatic 3.8-metre Evacuation Evacuation Slide System into the 
speed of evacuation is particularly Slide Systems which each have single Norwegian market now denote a 

important as the ferries can carry up to escape tracks and incorporate a 150- significant development for Survitec 
550 passengers and in the summer person open reversible inflatable life raft. which has so far experienced great 

months they will be used to enable The order also includes two further 3.8- success with its Small Inflatable Slides. 
tourists to view the famous Preikestolen metre Small Inflatable Slides, also with These are designed for vessels with lower 

cliffs near Stavanger.
single escape tracks and a 50-person open
freeboard such as fast ferries and range in 
With the medium height slides length from just 1.5 metres to 3.8 metres 

certified as capable of evacuating 750 and there are now over 50 Norwegian 

passengers from the ship in 30 minutes craft equipped with them. With this solid 
and 400 passengers in just 17 min 40 sec, track record, Survitec is now confident 

they are expected to suit many more that it will see sales of its longer slides 
customers in Norway’s retro-fit market.
increase as ship operators recognise the 

advantages of their evacuation capacities The system has been tested and 
when combined with the new automatic approved for slides to heights up to 

launch systems. u
12.5m and this enables Survitec to meet

Issue 62 2014
48 The SHIP Supplier 

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