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operators to reduce the cost of towing cells to accurately record the applied operating in seas off Far East Russia and 
operations. Lankhorst Ropes is loads. To minimise disruption to your the Gulf of Finland.

committed to providing operators with trading and operational activities we can The emergency and rescue vessel, 
high performance products backed by supply riding squads whilst your vessels NB 508 Baltika, is being built for the 

our comprehensive through life are in service.”
Russian Ministry of Transport. While the 

Technology and Rope Service package. Chris Tuck, Marine Director, added: NB 506 Vitus Bering and NB 507 Aleksey 
In so doing we enable operators to focus “Alan and the team have worked Chirikov, high capability multifunctional 

on what they do best – delivering extremely hard in gaining this icebreaking supply vessels are for 
excellent customer service,” said Hans accreditation and it makes SWL, I Russian shipping company Sovcomflot.

Pieter Baaij, Commercial Director, Lankhorst has supplied each of the believe, unique in the market place. To 
Lankhorst Ropes.
NB 506 Vitus Bering and NB 507 offer this new service with our existing 

Commenting on the agreement Aleksey Chirikov with 1,000m of 66mm engineering capability for inspection 
with Lankhorst Ropes, Patrick Everts, diameter steel wire rope; the ropes and testing of lifting equipment and 

General Manager, Maritime Excellence have a minimum breaking load (MBL) gangways supported by our ‘Sure Cert’ 
Center, KOTUG International, said: of 310Mt. The NB 508 Baltika will use web-based management system to 

“The KO-LINK was developed with 700m of 58mm diameter rope with ensure our partners remain compliant 

input from the KOTUG Captains and 240Mt MBL. The steel wire ropes with legislation.”
Superintendents as an all-round device Once our test/inspection has been feature an independent wire rope core, 

to meet the needs of the KOTUG fleet. completed, all certification will be providing greater strength and 
We are delighted that this simple, issued via our ‘Sure Cert’ database stability to the rope than a fibre core. 

durable device will now reach a giving password protected internet As well as towing, the galvanised rope 
worldwide audience through access to; printable and downloadable can also be used for multiple other 

Lankhorst Rope’s global presence in electronic format certification, defect offshore applications.
the maritime market.”
reports and history of each inspection Two of the vessels, NB 506 Vitus 

in keeping with current Maritime Meanwhile, rope lifting and testing Bering and NB 507 Aleksey Chirikov, will 
Legislation. Within the system any company SWL has added to its portfolio support the Sakhalin-1 Arkutun-Dagi 

defects found and uploaded generate when it comes to testing and inspection oil and gas field in the Sea of Okhotsk, 

defect reports automatically.
of marine lifting equipment, having Far East Russia. The ships’ main tasks 
recently been approved as an This will enable us to offer the will be to protect the oil and gas rigs 

independent service provider for the marine industry a ‘one stop shop’. In the from ice accumulation, provide supplies 
annual servicing and testing of lifeboats event of equipment failure, we can and transport crews, as well as, oil spill 

and davits with approval from Lloyds rapidly and cost effectively supply new recovery, firefighting, ocean towing, 
Register and shortly by Bureau Veritas or replacement equipment from stand-by and rescue. The ships and 

Classification Societies.
mooring ropes to the smallest of their equipment will have to perform in 
shackles where and when required, to temperatures of minus 35°C, waves up Alan Batt, Plymouth Depot Manager, 

keep your enterprise moving.
to 18 metres in height and wind speeds said: “Whatever shipping area your fleet 
exceeding 140 kilometres per hour.
operates in, your life saving appliances SWL engineers will not only act as a 

must be tested and inspected in riding squad to carry out all of these Esko Mustamäki, Managing 

accordance with current regulations tasks, including maintenance tasks Director, Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, 
IMO; MSC.1/Circ.1206; SOLAS Chapter minimising down time and disruption, said: “Baltika should be the benchmark 

III, Regulation 20 & 36.
but can react locally in the UK and when developing and building 
abroad as requested.
innovative Arctic vessels. Lankhorst “We have teams of fully trained 

Ropes share our desire for innovation engineers to carry out both the annual As a maritime ropes producer and 
and high standards making them the and five-year servicing and five-year supplier, Lankhorst Ropes, has supplied 

ideal rope supplier for Arctech”. Once proof load tests in accordance with MSN leading Arctic vessel builder Arctech 
delivered the Baltika’s operations will 1803 (M). With a range of specialist Helsinki Shipyard with steel wire towing 

include icebreaking, rescue and oil spill equipment in the form of water bags, in ropes for three new icebreaking supply 
recovery in the Gulf of Finland. conjunction with flow track meters/load
and emergency operations ships

Issue 62 2014
46 The SHIP Supplier 

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