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Market News
ABB signsAfive−year cruise contract
BB has signed a five-year maintenance agreement, worth £5.6million, with
Prestige Cruise Holdings to provide services, parts and support for all
turbochargers installed on its fleet of eight cruise ships. Prestige Cruise
Holdings is the parent company of Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises,
which serve the upper-premium and luxury segments of the cruise industry. Under
the agreement, PCH vessels will be serviced through ABB’s network of turbocharger
service stations, located at all major ports around the world.
“This agreement will help us to proactively maintain all turbochargers on our
ships. It will help us to minimise equipment downtime while improving overall
turbocharger performance,” said Paolo Mele, SVP, Marine & Technical Operations,
Prestige Cruise Holdings. u
Training, mentoring and
Massessment onboard
aritime e-Learning provider Nigel Cleave, CEO of Videotel,
Videotel has launched a new explained: “Training is a vital element to
edition of its Training, progress within industry. It is recognised
in the provision, monitoring and Mentoring and Assessment On Board that mentoring by experienced seafarers is
assessment of the training programme programme which supports the IMO an important part of training onboard ship.
within a company.
requirement for a standardisation of Training, Mentoring and Assessment On
training and assessment for all member Board highlights the main components of A key element of the programme is
state countries as part of the revised and effective mentoring and demonstrates how the Training Record Book (TRB), which
updated STCW - the ‘Manila Amendments’.
to develop skills to become a good mentor.”
not only serves as a comprehensive
checklist for the trainee as well as the Training, Mentoring and Assessment The programme is primarily aimed at
Designated Shipboard Training Officer On Board covers the full range of trainees considering a career at sea, in
(DSTO), but most importantly serves as revised competencies now required for addition to serving officers and ratings
proof of achievement for the respective certification as Deck Officers, Engineer wanting to develop their careers. It also
national administration that eventually Officers and the qualifications required provides important information for those
issues the certifications. u
for ratings.
both on shore and onboard ship involved
2014 Issue 62
The SHIP Supplier 49