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ISSA and Ship Supply
EMS Seven Seas NEWS
acquires new CEO
and company
hip supplier and ISSA member outsourcing solutions and logistics
EMS Seven Seas, has services. Under the new ownership,
announced the appointment of
Wave will continue as a standalone
division within EMS Seven Seas.
a new Chief Executive Officer and the
acquisition of a maritime and port Mr Rosenkrands said: “We are thrilled
agency services company.
to become part of EMS Seven Seas, which
will give us the ideal platform and support Lars Rosenkrands has 30 years’
to shake up the shipping agency industry experience in the shipping industry,
and to deliver on our mission to provide a having worked for a variety of ship
higher level of convenience, transparency supply and ship services companies
and consistency in serving clients and across the globe including Inchcape
partners within the maritime industry. Shipping Services, Maersk and
There are exciting synergies to explore Wilhelmsen Ship Services and takes over
between ship supply and port agency; as the role of CEO with immediate effect.
such, the combined EMS Seven Seas and EMS Seven Seas has confirmed it
Wave assets promise to bring unrivalled has entered into an agreement to
benefits to our customers.”
acquire 100% of the shares of
Singapore-based Wave Shipping, which Following the acquisition, EMS Seven
provides a suite of maritime services to Seas now has a combined office network
the shipping and offshore industry, across four continents and a network of
offering port agency services,
more than 600 ports. u
German Shipsuppliers Association
publishes new Register
he Hamburg-headquartered German Shipsuppliers Germany for the
Association has published the 42nd edition of its wholesaler trade and
annual German Shipsuppliers Register containing
others connected with
the shipping industry.
information on 140 ship store merchants and some specialised
maritime lawyers, in 23 German ports.
An online version of
the German
In addition to detailed company information and contact
details, the Register includes the names of proprietors, branch Shipsuppliers Register
offices, ports of delivery, departments, managing directors, 2014/2015 can be
managers, clerks, agencies and information on the distribution downloaded from the
of specific items.
Association’s website More than 4,000 copies of the 120-page English language
under ‘Publication’, ‘By Register will be distributed worldwide to ship owners,
our Association’. Those shipbrokers, ship suppliers, shipyards and other companies
interested in the print with maritime interests.
version of the Register The Register includes data on Association member
can be included in the
companies considered as bona-fide ship store merchants and
it enables a ship owner to select their preferred supplier from distribution list for next year’s delivery – please send company
a large number of companies. Moreover, the Register details to the German Association office by email to
provides extensive information on the ship store trade in u
Issue 62 2014
36 The SHIP Supplier