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P. 36
Beers, Wines and Spirits
“The recent outbreak of the Ebola
virus and the developments in the
Ukraine and Middle East have taught
“They have discovered that the business where only the strongest and us to be careful with expressing too
possibility to receive in the same best organised companies could take high expectations and forecasts.
delivery, all your required provisions, their place in the total supply chain.
However, in general we are cautiously
bonded stores and cabin stores, optimistic in view of our business “Once you are such a company, you
creates big advantages and leads to developments for the next year. We see that cruise lines are prepared to
cost reductions in stock management, base our optimism on our experiences cooperate.”
warehousing, staff cost and financing.”
in the last few years during which we Looking to the next 12 to 18
realised every year a double digit Mr van Esch said there had been a months, Mr van Esch said there were
growth, although most parts of the constant increase in the cruise side of certain issues which urged caution but
world were confronted with a serious the business but that the market had he was hopeful business would
financial crisis.” u
turned into a highly competitive
Issue 62 2014
34 The SHIP Supplier