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ISSA and Ship Supply News

has been ‘winning’ for some time in 1st October 2014
terms of ship volumes calling at the 

port, he said Algeciras has caught up 
dramatically, helping suppliers such G and G Logistics Limited,
Suite # 1, Body Works Building, 
as NeKo to build on their customer Adjacent Light House Chapel, 

base. NeKo is also perfectly situated Comm. 8, 
in Algeciras for supplying spare parts Tema, 
via Malaga airport.
Mario Adam, Director Special Accounts & Projects, “The main issue we have now is Email: 
Contact: Mr Kingsley Ghansah
NeKo Ship Supply
to ensure our customers know that 
we are in Algeciras because of course inviting local port agents and ship 
Prosper Marine Supplier,
the name NeKo is synonymous with supply competitors, some of whom Popatlal Chamber – 504, 
Rotterdam. We visit customers to let NeKo supplies products to. NeKo is 4th Clive Cross Line, 

them know that NeKo is also in also a member of COMPORT, the Dana Bunder, 
Algeciras! We are seen as a Dutch port community for Algeciras Bay, Masjid East, 
Mumbai 4000 009, 
brand but now we have branched out. and visited SMM Hamburg as part of India 

We didn’t expect to do so well so early the COMPORT stand. “Some of our Email: 
which is a great sign. Customers are competitors have benefited from us Contact: Mr Jackson James

coming back again and again.
being in Algeciras because we have 
been able to supply them owing to “We started up our Algeciras Sea Service Supply Co. Limited,
30 Snegovaya Street, 
our purchasing power. This benefits operation with just two people but Vladivostok, 
us and makes a big difference for now it has quickly grown and we have 
local suppliers too.”
nine permanent staff members based Email: 
in Algeciras. We are buying more local With the assertion that ‘bunkering Contact: Andrew B

stock too so we don’t just rely on rules’, Mr Adam believes the 
Rotterdam for our suppliers. It’s a bunkering patterns in the Strait have 

win-win project.” u
altered and although he said Gibraltar

Issue 62 2014
38 The SHIP Supplier 

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