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Beers, Wines and Spirits

“The days of guys making wine that world, plus a screwcap is easy to open “This could be due to there being 
will lie in your cellar for 20 years are and can be closed easily again.”
more vessels or because people are 

long gone. Now wines are drunk in a just changing their orders – for 
year or two.”
example, where they might previously “

have taken whisky, they are now taking He added: “KWV is now one of the What we’ve found is 

wine. This is maybe because it is not as biggest wine-making companies in 
heavy having a glass of wine with a South Africa, and also one of the oldest. that vessels will 

meal than a whisky.”
But it has changed with the times. You often request 
get this idea that it’s an old and staid Another company pleased with its 

type business but new professional something that performance so far this year is Dutch 
guys have been brought in with wholesaler and distributor B & S 
they know
commercial experience – at the end of Bosman Global.
the day, the shareholders want some “We are very happy with our results 

cash back.”
so far in the bonded stores sales 
Jurie Serfontein, Regional Manager,
One of the bigger changes, taking showing the percentile growth in a 
TabakDuty Free
an even bigger change in mindset, is the double digit number. Taking into account 
switch in many places from corks to that the, traditionally, most interesting 
screw caps on wine bottles.
months of the year still have to come, 

we are very optimistic for the end result “People associate cork with quality But with more
and more vessels 
over 2014,” said Managing Director Cor but a lot of the white wines are screw becoming ‘dry’ ships or drinking more

van Esch.
caps as are some of the reds, and some responsibly and with less crew onboard, 
of the customers return them and say is there a danger of business drying up He said the company’s growth in 

they don’t want them because they for wholesalers like Tabak Duty Free and bonded stores sales was not related to 
have a screw cap and therefore they the ship suppliers it sells to?
increased demands for certain products 

must be rubbish.”
“Vessels are definitely ordering less or brands but the fact more clients were 
He added: “Cork is expensive and but we seem to be reaching our targets discovering the advantage of the ‘one 

sometimes there are shortages in the
still,” said Mr Serfontein.
source supplier’ concept.

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