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Meat & Fresh Produce

supplies to the marine and offshore industry, came up with the some smaller organisations, have some time ago identified 

‘Icebox’ – basically a well-insulated giant coolbox - to solve the the importance of maintaining the temperature of fresh and 
problem of transporting fresh and frozen produce to rigs and frozen products during delivery.”

other offshore installations.
It takes about 6-8 hours to cool the Icebox right down to 
It has been well-received by customers in the North Sea, the necessary low temperature, the food products are then 

UK and as The Ship Supplier went to press, the first Iceboxes put inside and the box is set at the temperature it needs to be 
were heading to the US Gulf, following a phase in designing depending on the contents.

tone suitable for warmer climates.
In testing for use in the North Sea, the temperature swing 
“It has been popular in the North Sea,” said Robert Steen on the chilled food for four days was just 0.2 degrees which, 

Kledal, Managing Director, Wrist Ship Supply.
according to Mr Kledal, is “basically nothing”.
“We had a rough winter in Scotland and it was extremely Now, an Icebox has been developed for use in warmer 

windy which can mean a change in schedules for the supply climates, such as the US Gulf and the first units being 

boats and it’s more difficult for the helicopters to get out, so delivered to the US are to be used in New Orleans.
there was much demand for flexibility in the supply chain and “We certainly hope that the customers there will 

that’s really when we saw the customers take to the Icebox embrace it as much as the North Sea customers have,” said 
because it can be onboard a vessel for a long period of time.
Mr Kledal.

“There is no risk if either the vessel doesn’t have a plug or “For a company like us, it is a significant investment. 
if the power has to be switched off if the boat is close to a These boxes are not inexpensive but we have a firm belief 

drilling rig.”
that our customers will truly appreciate the difference that 
they provide to the plug-in boxes and other forms of Stanley Morrice, Director at Strachans, added: “The 

temperature controlling equipment.” u
major companies within the oil and gas industry and also

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