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60 Years

News From the Archives 
Spring 1976
What ISSA Earned 

ISSA sets up and Spent in 1978

EEC committee

Total Income 1978

Member Fees 39.34% 
In a move of great signiicance to ship suppliers throughout the world, Register Fees 33.72% 

members of ISSA in the Common Market countries have set up a committee to Convention Surplus 12.68%
study the new regulations being drawn up by the EEC authorities of Brussels Insertions8.55% 

concerning the control of the “Supply of Ships, Aeroplanes and International Misc Fees 3.61% 
Trains with Provisions”. The object is to assist the commissioners in drafting the Various Income2.1%

regulations, a work which, from their very wide and detailed knowledge of the 
trade, the members are particularly qualiied to do.Total Expenditure 1978

It is obviously of the greatest importance that ship suppliers should have a Salaries24.55% 

say in drafting regulations that concern their livelihood particularly in view of the Surplus15.49% 
fact that theirs is a trade little known to those not immediately concerned with Postage10.56%

it. What is of even greater signiicance, however, is that this action is taking place Printing of Register 8.87% 
within the framework of ISSA and, indeed, perhaps would not have been possible Public Relations 7.87% 

but for the spirit of international cooperation and association that ISSA has President Ofice & Travel 7.50% 
generated through the years.Travel Expenses6.80% 

The working group has the title of Organisation Communautaire Europeenne Ofice Expenses 6.41% 
d’avitailleurs de Navires (aptly reduced to the initials OCEAN) and its Telephone/Telex 5.83% 

membership consists of O. Boldreel (chairman), S. Frenk, H. Lange, R.A. Murrant, Room Expenses 3.52% 
A.H. Pace, R. van Uffel, and E. Zanotti. The secretary is Dr J. Butler of 29 Prins Various2.60%

Mauritsplein, ‘s-Gravenhage, The Netherlands.

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