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60 Years

Membership was restricted in those early days to 
associations of ship suppliers and it is important to remember 
ISSA Conventions
that ISSA was envisaged as an association of associations. Only 
later were ship suppliers in those countries where no national 

association existed, or where such an association was not an ISSA 
1972 Rouen, France
member, admitted to ‘associate’ membership.
The General Assembly was the supreme authority of the 1973 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Association. It had the power to appoint the president andWashington, USA
other executive oficers (including paid secretaries) and had1975 London, UK

the approval of the annual reports, the annual accounts, the 1976 Hamburg, Germany
budget, proposals of the Board, alterations in the statute and the 
1977 Lausanne, Switzerland
dissolution of the Association.
The Board was to comprise one member appointed by1978 Athens, Greece
1979 Brussels, Belgium
each national delegation. The president and two executive vice 
presidents would be appointed by the General Assembly from 1980 Copenhagen, Denmark

among the members of the Board. These three would constitute 1981 New Orleans, USA

the Executive Committee, responsible for preparing the sessions 1982 Monte Carlo, Monaco
of the Board and the General Assembly.
1983 Warsaw, Poland
Seven years later, ISSA received The Netherlands Royal 1984 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Warrant and was registered under No.21747 in The Hague 
1985 Estoril, Portugal
with ISSA’s seat of administration in Hamburg. It was registered 
under No. VR8006 at the Court of Registry, Hamburg on 1986 Yokohama, Japan

October 4th, 1973.1987 Athens, Greece
At the General Assembly held in Copenhagen in September 1988 Montreal, Canada

1957, in addition to the four founder member countries1989 Rome, Italy
and representatives from Denmark as guests, the list list of 
1990 Singapore
attendances included the names of two Polish delegates: E. 
1991 Oslo, Norway
Matuszak of Gdynia and Mr Grabowski of Copenhagen. Poland 
was the irst country to join ISSA after the founding members 1992 Orlando, USA
1993 Antwerp, Belgium
and therefore at this early stage in its existence, ISSA began to 
forge links with socialist countries in Europe.1994 Malta

In 1969 VEB Schiffsversorgung Rostock, the ship supply 1995 Hamburg, Germany
organisation of the German Democratic Republic, joined ISSA. 
1996 Harrogate, UK
Bulgaria joined in 1972 and Cuba in 1973. In 1979 it was1997 
with particular gratiication that the Association acceptedDurban, South Africa
1998 Vancouver, Canada
the application of the USSR. In that same year Algeria also 
joined up. In 1965 the National Association of Marine Services 1999 Barcelona, Spain

(NAMS) joined.2000 Brisbane, Australia
The French formed their own national association in
2001 Bergen, Norway
1961 but at that stage felt it was too early for such a young 2002 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

organisation to participate in the international association. 2003 Portoroz, Slovenia
France eventually joined in 1968. Curiously, it was not
2004 Athens, Greece
until 1970 that Britain oficially became a member. The
British Association of Ship Suppliers could claim with some 2005 Copenhagen, Denmark

justiication to be the oldest, having been established in 1915. 2006 Singapore
In fact, the Liverpool Ships’ Store Dealers Association had been 2007 Malta

in existence since 1906.2008 Baltimore, USA
In 1959, ISSA established a new category of membership: 
2009 Istanbul, Turkey
Associate Membership. It was felt that including individual 
members would encourage the national associations to join. 2010 Dubai
2011 Oslo and Copenhagen
This had a dual advantage. It put pressure on the associations to 
2012 Cadiz, Spain
join and encouraged the formation of new associations which, in 
turn, became full members of ISSA. In this way ISSA initiated the 2013 London, UK

establishment of associations in Italy, South Africa, Norway, and 2014 Panama
more recently Brazil, Canada, Spain and New Zealand.

(Excerpts from The History of ISSA written by Leslie Rocker)

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