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Regional Focus

The Philippines

Reconstruction programme 


Manila-based ship supplier says the Philippines is still “The recovery plan focuses on long-term and sustainable 
trying to come to terms with the devastation causedefforts to reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen the capacities 

by Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) which of communities to cope with future hazardous events. It will 
struck in November 2013 killing over 6,000 people and injuring rebuild damaged infrastructure, set up new settlements and 

many thousands more.basic community facilities and provide livelihood among the 
The super typhoon not only claimed lives and property affected residents.”

– it also wrecked livelihoods and the government recently She said supply operations in the provinces of Cebu, 
approved the country’s largest rehabilitation plan since Bacolod, Palawan and Leyte were back to normal and signs of 

the Second World War, launching a huge reconstruction normality could now also be seen in the hustle and bustle of the 
programme in the disaster-hit and people lining up in fast food outlets and locking 

The $3.82billion Comprehensive Rehabilitation and to re-opened malls. In the rural areas of the province of Leyte, 

Recovery Plan (CRRP) is aimed at rebuilding areas devastated of which Tacloban City is the capital, farmers have gone back
by Yolanda and includes over 18,400 speciic plans, to tilling their farms and ishermen have resumed their daily 

programmes and activities.struggles to eke out a living.
“Under the plan, the government will undertake massive However, she added: “While normality is now noticeable in 

efforts to rehabilitate the 171 affected cities and municipalitiesTacloban City, there are still signs of extreme poverty in some 
in 14 provinces and six regions known as the ‘Yolanda corridor’, areas with many still not having enough food to eat, not to 

based on the ‘build-back-better’ principle,” explained Agnes Llanto, mention lack of shelter and sanitation facilities. There is also the 
Operations Manager at Don Don Ship Supply & Marine Services.lack of employment opportunities for the displaced families.” u

16 The SHIP Supplier 60th Anniversary Edition 1955-2015

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