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Regional Focus
for a change of name for the association.
stores is relatively minor. Small thoughProbably the ship supplier’s single
it may be, it’s a bit like “the infamous toughest challenge today is manpower. That change has since been approved
grain of sand in your shoe”. The discovery The former very adequate in-low of and gazetted. As will be oficially
of the lack of a critical minor item of foreign labour has been reined back. announced at ISSA2015-SINGAPORE,
spares or no salt, sugar or rice in the This is one aspect of the work of the the SASS acronym will stand for
galley, will lead to disruption that is Singapore Association of Ship Suppliers. Singapore Association of Shipsuppliers
disproportionate to the value or sizeSASS represents a range of issues on and Services. By so doing SASS will align
of the missing item. Singapore offers a behalf of its members to the relevant itself with ISSA, but will also recognise
comprehensive package of port support Departments of Government.the important function of its Associate
services, and an eficient ship supply Members, who are not suppliers to ships,
capability is recognised by MPA and the but who provide important services to
other responsible bodies as being of the chandlers and other parts of the
critical operational importance.maritime industry.The Singapore ship
While relatively little is actually 2015 is Singapore’s 50th birthday.
manufactured locally, over the years In the relatively short period since suppliers, like their
Singapore has developed as the foremost Singapore became an independent colleagues at all major
Asian hub for all aspects of ship stores. republic in 1965, a great deal has
There’s very little that’s not available,happened. The general-cargo port of ports, face on-going
but even if it’s not, there’s a highly slick the mid-1960s is today a leading hub
challenges to remain
and eficient logistics system, supported port and a top international maritime
by the very astute and sharp Singapore centre. Was this what Rafles and his
competitive yet at
Customs, that will facilitate rapid import colleagues envisaged almost 200 years
and handling of time-critical items.ago? Unlikely, but were they to return
peak eficiency
The Singapore ship suppliers, like they would be justiiably impressed
their colleagues at all major ports,with what their early efforts set in train.
face on-going challenges to remain The Port of Singapore is alive and well
competitive yet at peak eficiency. These and positioned to play its important
two considerations are potentially part in the maritime structure of South At its Annual General Meeting in
conlicting, but both must be addressed.East Asia. uJanuary the membership of SASS voted
The SHIP Supplier 60th Anniversary Edition 1955-2015