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ew regulations, such as the lubricants, we believe will have flexibility of slow steaming and super slow steaming 
International Maritime use and compatibility with a range from techniques and that this gives rise to more 

Organization’s (IMO) 0.1% residual to distillate fuels.”
pronounced effects of cold corrosion. In 

Emission Control Area (ECA) sulphur “order to rectify this problem, most major 
limit, which will be enforced from 2015, oil providers have already brought in new 

are making fuel and lubricant The industry is products designed specifically to 
manufacturers think fast in evolving overcome this challenging issue, such as 
‘playing catch-up’ 
their products to suit these rapidly the 100BN lubricants.
changing demands.
So, what advice would Mr Dal-Farra 
against a fast- 
Sharing his views on how these offer to shipping companies getting to 
changing regulatory regulations will impact on industry, grips with the new regulations? What 

Serge Dal-Farra, Global Marketing can shipping companies do to make this 
Manager, Total Lubmarine, said: “Rapidly an easier transition into compliance?

changing regulations will lead to the “With a myriad of changes afoot in 

Serge Dal-Farra, Global Marketing
introduction of new and improved the industry and a plethora of marine 
products and fuels to help the industry products to choose from, making the 
Manager, Total Lubmarine
meet regulatory targets. Especially right lubricant selection is more 
within the marine lubricants market, ”
important today than ever before. It is 

these environmental legislations critical that ship owners and operators 
underline the need for a new generation are able to marry the right operating icants manufacturers Naturally, lubr

of cylinder oils for new circumstances.”
conditions with the right fuels to meet are creating solutions to these
regulatory targets, and therefore use Mr Dal-Farra added that he believes challenging new regulations and Total 

the right lubricants for optimum results.
the new sulphur regulations from Lubmarine is no exception. As Mr Dal- 
January 2015, will lead to more use of Farra noted, the use of distillates comes “In the past, the risks related to 

distillate fuels than LNG in the short to with new challenges as well: “Distillates lubricant selection were easily mitigated 

medium term, due to issues of availability.
will present new challenges in the by ship owners and operators, who had 
lubrication of fuel pumps as they have a choice between either a high or low “At Total Lubmarine, we see LNG as 

lower viscosity and lubricity. BN product. Now there are also the a promising bunker fuel, however the 
Anticipating these developments and well-established single-oil solutions to lack of LNG infrastructure, the low 

working in partnership with our choose from. However, new products to number of vessels equipped with LNG 
customers, we are developing a product address new developments – such as engines in the current fleet and in the 

that will provide flexibility to customers change in engine designs – continue to order book, and safety issues such as 
using distillates or HFOs. While we flood the market.
methane slip, suggest there will not be a 

already have a good deal of experience significant uptake. We expect therefore “With the increased automation 
in delivering lubricants for four-stroke that distillates will fill that gap for the onboard ships and technological 

engines using distillates, as well as LNG, time being.
development, it helps immensely if a 

the new product will be for use in two- supplier can reduce complexity and have “The industry is currently ‘playing 
stroke engines.”
good local networks to help customers catch-up’ quite well against a fast-changing 

deliver their products worldwide,” Mr operating and regulatory backdrop. We’ve He added that another operational 
Dal-Farra said.
known for some time now that flexibility is challenge facing the shipping industry 

critical to success in today’s maritime today, is that of cold corrosion. He said When asked what advice he would 
market, due to the complexity of ship that in an effort to lower fuel costs, the offer ship suppliers who are responsible 

operations. The next generation of
majority of global shipping lines are using
for supplying lubricants to vessels

Issue 62 2014
26 The SHIP Supplier 

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