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ISSA and Ship Supply News

Bulgarian Association elects 

new Chairman and Deputy

Alexander Alexandrov, Managing and the reduction of refusals to take join other Bulgarian and international 

Director of Navibulgar Services, actions against non-payments, as well as business associations, to participate in 

has been elected as the new focusing on strengthening the image of international forums on the issues of the 
Chairman of the Bulgarian Ship Bulgaria as a preferable supply location maritime industry and to continue to 

Suppliers Association, after serving two for ship owners and ship managers.improve the conditions for ship supply 
years as Deputy Chairman.“As the crisis in the sector companies in Bulgaria.

Vasil Vasilev, Manager of Moniks continues to deepen on a global scale, The Bulgarian Ship Suppliers 
Marine Services, was elected as the we consider that it is essential to Association, which was established in 

new Deputy Chairman and following improve the mechanisms for protection 1995, currently has 13 members and 
the appointments, Mr Alexandrov of the interests of BSSA members,” said is a member of the Bulgarian Chamber 

announced that the top priorities of the Mr Alexandrov.of Shipping (BCS), ISSA and OCEAN
new management would be to work Other points on the agenda for the – the European Association of Ship 

towards the facilitation of proceduresAssociation in the coming year will be toSuppliers. u

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