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ISSA and Ship
Supply News
Save the date for ISSA Dubai 2016
lans are now well underway for ISSA as Project Watchdog, ‘Whatever happened
Dubai 2016, the annual Convention to E-Commerce’ and ‘What are the caterers
which, this year, coincides with Seatradelooking for in their ship suppliers?’.
Maritime Middle East.Attending the ISSA Dubai 2016
The event opens at the Emirates TowersConvention will also give you access to
on the 29th October with the ISSA Executive Seatrade Maritime Middle East (SMME),
Board Meeting followed by the meeting of the the region’s largest meeting place for the
ISSA Assembly the following day.maritime and shipping industries which, when
On 31st October the ISSA Convention and last held in 2014, attracted 7,628 visitors
Seatrade Maritime Middle East open featuring from across 69 countries.
This year’s Convention is being organised
the ISSA exhibition at Dubai International
Convention and Exhibition Centre (sometimes by ISSA, the UAE National Ship Suppliers
called the Dubai World Trade Centre), the Association and Seatrade UBM EMEA.
region’s most modern, purpose-built exhibition ISSA members can book exhibition space
centre, and runs until 2nd the dedicated ISSA Zone within Seatrade
Convention programme still has to be Maritime Middle East and enjoy a 4%
inalised but as usual it will feature many membership discount on the standard SMME
thought-provoking sessions along with a exhibition rates.
number of tours and visits to interesting Special rates have also been negotiated
places for accompanying the oficial ISSA Dubai 2016 Convention
Last year’s ISSA Convention in Singapore hotel, the Emirates Tower Hotel.
was a great success with around 250 To book your place, ind out more about
delegates from 50 countries attending and a what is shaping up to be a fantastic event,
record number of stands along with a packed and also to learn more about sponsorship
programme of plenary sessions on topics suchopportunities, visit u
42 | The Ship Supplier | Issue 68 2016