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Medical Supply

IMMA’S Maritime Medical Stores 

app proves crucial to industry

eteriorating seafarer health and poorly-stocked A useful guide as to what medicines should form part of 
onboard medical chests are still major issues onboard medical kits is also included as well as a section on 

concerning maritime medical practitioners, whichalcohol and drug testing as well as waste management and 
is why the International Maritime Medical Association cleaning equipment – all part of working to preventing disease 

(IMMA) has developed an app-driven Maritime Medical onboard ship.
Stores Catalogue designed to ensure that vessel owners and All medicines listed have an IMMA number which owners 

managers are meeting their obligations when it comes to and managers can quote when ordering from their ship 
looking after the health of their crew.suppliers or chandlers.

It has already proved a big hit with ship owners, managers Director Sean Moloney, explained: “The App makes it very 

and suppliers with over 1,500 companies already downloading easy to select the items required and – most importantly – the 
this vital tool to purchase medical and health-related items recommended dosage of drugs and place all requirements into 

needed onboard ship.a shopping cart for the generation of a Request for Quote – this 
IMMA’s easy-to-use catalogue app features over 5,000 can be emailed direct to the supplier.

health and well-being products, from aspirin and cough medicine “What also sets the App apart is that is sits happily on a 
to disinfectants and stretchers. Users are able to order medical seafarer’s phone or a shore ofice computer as well as on the 

supplies at the press of a button, using the app’s unique ordering supplier’s electronic devices so everyone is looking at the same 
system from wherever they may be in the world.information. In addition, recommended doses of medicines are 

The easy-to-use app has a section on recommended provided from our expert pharmacist in Hamburg. This is the 
medicines as well as a ‘doctor’s bag’ of necessary medicines only source of that information to be found in one location.”

that should be available at any time onboard ship. The medicine The International Maritime Medical Association was 

section can also be interrogated by health compliance suchformed in 2010 with the declared aim of promoting seafarer 
as what medicines should be taken for motion sickness or health and welfare and to act as a central organisation to 

indigestion or coughs while there is a comprehensive list of represent suppliers or medical services and supplies globally. 
emergency and non-emergency medical equipment that should The IMMA Maritime Medical Stores Catalogue can be 

be used onboard ship.downloaded from the App Store and Google Play Store. u

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