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Green ISSA

Policies in place 


he Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) She said MEPC.219 had not really impacted on the amount
of garbage since its introduction because all of Viking Line’s of IMO, at its 62nd session in July 2011, adopted the

vessels had delivered all garbage ashore for a long time.Revised MARPOL Annex V, concerning Regulations 
“During the past 20 years, the waste sorting has been for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships, which 

systematically developed and improved onboard our ships, in entered into force on 1st January 2013.
consultation with waste companies,” she explained.
IMO Resolution MEPC.219 (63) section 2.1.2 speciically 
“This work has also included the minimisation of waste – refers to suppliers in its recommendations for dealing with 

for example, by reducing the amount of packaging material in waste minimisation and states ‘When making supply and 
connection with the deliveries onboard.”provisioning arrangements, ship owners and operators, where 

Ms Airola said because Viking Line has been working in possible, with the ships suppliers should consider the products 
cooperation with its suppliers long before MEPC.219 it had being procured in terms of the garbage they will generate.’

not noticed a difference in the amount of packaging from The resolution noted some options for decreasing garbage 
suppliers.levels, including the supply of products in bulk packaging, the 

“I don’t think we have any major problems with this, partly taking into account of factors such as shelf life once a product 
because we have been using the same suppliers for many has been opened, the use of supplies which come in reusable 

years. When ordering from a new supplier, one should take into or recyclable packaging and avoiding disposable products. 
account the purchasing policy. If a new or temporary supplier Another factor was avoiding supplies packaged in plastic, 

uses unnecessary packaging, the supplier will be informed unless reusable or recyclable options are used.

about the issue, usually through one of the purchasing This led to the formation of the Green ISSA initiative 
managers or equivalent.”three years ago, which is designed to emphasise the ship 

Matti Kokkala, Chairman of the Finnish Ship Suppliers supply industry’s acknowledgement of the importance the 
Association and Director of Finland-based ship supplier ME environment plays in the global shipping industry.

Group, said his company has an environmental policy which So, how are the purchasers working with their suppliers to 
acted as a guideline for its activities.try and reduce the amount of waste that is generated?

“One of ME Group’s priorities is to minimise all the waste Susanna Airola, Environmental Coordinator for Finland- 
as it is only an expense. I believe that everybody tries to do based Viking Line, which provides passenger and cargo services, 

the same nowadays. For example, provision is either fresh or said in the company’s purchase policy it is written ‘Minimise the 
frozen and metal cans and tins are mainly history. We, as a amount of packaging, ask for recyclable packaging materials’ and 

ship supply company, have taken our share and therefore are ‘Make planned purchases. Minimise unnecessary freight.’

removing excessive packaging material from the pallets before “In practice, this means that purchasing managers or 
delivery onboard.equivalent, onboard or ashore, who order goods to the ships, 

He said ME Group was naturally recycling all pallets and should try to optimise the amount of packaging material in 
roll containers, plastic cases etcetera. This was also economical cooperation with the supplier, without compromising hygiene 

as they are expensive items to be used just once. uand safety,” she said.

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