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Regional Focus
has increased by around 5% and that very seriously, the inancial cost is too in response to repeated requests by the
ship supplies have risen by a little over high and the impact of debts in the ISSA membership for assistance in the
2% in the last two years.proitability is very negative.”crucial areas of credit risk assessment
“The cruise ship sector is and debt collection.
increasing the number of calls in our Watchdog seeks to address
country,” he added.this demand with services that are
Last year 4,000 vessels called at visible and easily accessible to ISSA The cruise ship
Spanish ports with around eight million members, by providing information sector is increasing
passengers and Spain is considered the and assistance which is tailored to
second European country in terms of the the speciic needs of ship suppliers. the number of calls
number of calls.Watchdog’s services are only available
Mr Fernandez said AESMAR to ISSA our country
(Asociación Española de Speaking about how he sees the
Suministradores Marítimos) was market panning out in the next 12 to Rafael Fernandez,
maintaining its membership numbers 18 months, Mr Fernandez said the
Chairman of AESMAR,
in recent years and some have recently Spanish association expected to see a the Spanish Ship Suppliers
been opening new branch ofices.soft business increase over that period Association, and Executive
“It relects the good health of their of time.Vice President of ISSA
infrastructures and management. “We see a weak recuperation of
Doubtless, the main concern is the the worldwide market, so we hope
collection process of late payments. In this it should rebound in a larger level of
issue, all members must work together to maritime routes, number of vessels Mr Fernandez said that regarding
avoid those companies which are changing and number of calls. It is importantthis problem, the Project Watchdog,
their supplier without paying the invoices to say that we also expect more managed by ISSA would be a “very
for the services and products supplied.”competitiveness and we must be useful” tool for the ship supply sector.
He added: “We need to stop this kind prepared to face new challenges in the This new service is being launched
of activity. It is damaging our companiesnear future.” uby ISSA, in conjunction with Salvus Law,