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Regional Focus


ANPAN National Assembly 

discuss obstacles to recovery

he 44th National Assembly of problems within the ield emphasising – dificulty of access in privately owned 
the Italian Ship Suppliers and the importance of a constant dialogue terminals and the problems created by 

Contractors Association ANPAN between ANPAN and an effective the €1,000 limit for cash transactions, 
(Associazione Nazionale Provveditori collaboration with OCEAN and ISSA.which creates considerable dificulties 

Appaltatori Navali) was held at the end The President, Mr Novelli, while for supervisors and are quite a common 
of May in Catania.pointing out the importance of the situation with extraordinary supplies,

President Angelo Novelli, together shipping industry to the Italian economy, The Association requested a speciic 

with Honorary Chairman Raimondo its contribution to GDP and job exemption and an increase in the limit 
Bonini and with the backing of the opportunities, spoke about the obstacles and this proposal will now be debated 

Board, brought together ship chandlers to growth.with the new executive.
in Sicily for the irst time in 28 years.He said: “Ineficiency and excessive Luigi Bosco, Councillor for 

The participation of members, bureaucracy have been identiiedInfrastructure and Public Works of 
authorities and sponsors conirmedby the maritime industry and other Catania, spoke on behalf of the Mayor 

the success of the 2015 meeting and Italian industries as a huge block on or Catania, Enzo Bianco, and Cosimo 
underlined the importance of the development.”Indaco, Special Commissioner of

shipping industry to the Italian economy, Attention moved to issues more the Port Authority of Catania, also 
revealing obstacles that are slowing closely related to the work of onboard discussed access to the terminals of 

down the national growth and speciicsupervisors and in particular two themesthe Port. u

14 The SHIP Supplier Issue 65 2015

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