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Market News
Chart distributor opens
Aberdeen ofice
Peter Pran, Head of Global Sales the company from Thomas Gunn
at the Norwegian-based company, Navigation where he worked as Global
said the new Scottish HQ would Commercial Manager.
build on the strength of Nautisk’s “As you would expect, growing
offering to the Oil and Gas sector in sales within the region is high on our
Norway, as well as offering a vital link priority list, but before that, we need
to customers operating in the UK and to determine what the needs are of the
Northern Europe.local market, expand agreements with
“Aberdeen is at the centre of the Oil current customers and demonstrate
and Gas sector, as well as shipping and our intent to continue to grow the
offshore,” he said. “We have recognised business globally. The fact that we
that local market potential here is huge have opened this new ofice is a clear
and because of our agility, we are able demonstration of our commitment to
1/to adapt to individual customer needs the area, and we need to ensure that we
and support them from this new ofice.”remain focused and realistic.” u
Global chart distributor Nautisk In order to strengthen Nautisk’s
has opened a new ofice in Aberdeen operation, Lloyd Ferguson
Aberdeen to tap into thehas been appointed Key Account
growing Oil and Gas market.Manager for the UK. He joins1/ Peter Pran, Head of Global Sales, Nautisk
70 The SHIP Supplier 60th Anniversary Edition 1955-2015