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ISSA and Ship Supply

Gibbons expands to 

larger premises

leet of multi-temperature 

controlled vehicles.
The move provides Gibbons 

with much-needed warehousing 
and ofice space and a 

signiicantly larger compound

in a more conveniently located 
position, close to the main 

arterial routes.
Speaking about the deal, 

Ian Gibbons, who is the third 
generation of his family to head 

the business, said: “Over the 
past 93 years, we have built

up an enviable reputation and 
name synonymous in the ship 

supply sector for delivering
quality products and high levels of service.A
long-established UK ship supplier has moved to 
“We now have much larger operational premises, close tolarger premises after seeing business boom in the 

the A1 and main arterial routes, so the move gives us further last ive years.
lexibility to build on the current growth in the offshore and Gibbons International, which was based in Sunderland and 

wind turbine industry.”has an annual turnover of £3million, has seen a growth of 40% 
Gibbons International has retained its original butcher’s with a large proportion of custom coming from deliveries to 

shop in Sunderland, which irst opened in 1936. uEuropean and Scandinavian ports.
It has now relocated to signiicantly larger premises in 

nearby Washington, where it has 12,600sq ft of warehousing 
and ofice accommodation.

For the past 93 years, Gibbons International has been 
supplying vessels with a wide range of goods including food, 
1/ Pictured are (left to right), Victoria Walton, Partner at solicitors Swinburne 
Maddison, Ian Gibbon and Giles McCourt, Swinburne Maddison.hardware and duty free products and it also has its own

Sinwa reports big proit increase

ingapore-based ship supplier Gross proit increased 8% to model and focused on our core 
Sinwa has released its full year S$37.2million, however, gross proit strengths of offshore, marine supply 

results for 2014 which showmargin declined slightly, mainly due toand logistics capabilities. The beneit 
earnings up 41% from the previous year, the disposal of the Anchor Handling Tug of these actions has translated into a 

from S$6.4million to S$9.1million.(AHT) in the irst quarter of 2014 and stiff 41% increase in net earnings for 2014, 

The Group reported an increase of competition in the market.even as market conditions weakened 
10.7% in total revenue to S$154.3million Commenting on the Group’s in the later part of the year. This 

last year, largely due to growth in customer business outlook, CEO Bruce Rann demonstrates the effectiveness of the 
base and sales volume for the marine, said: “We took a series of strategic long-term vision and strategy of the 

offshore supply and logistics divisions.actions to streamline our businessmanagement.” u

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