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ISSA President Proile

with important changes to ISSA’s web presence that will bring “Never forget that a ship cannot operate without supplies 
real and lasting beneits to members.– and ISSA Members provide a vast amount of the supplies 

The refreshed ISSA website will be online within weeks consumed by the world’s leet 24/7/365.”
offering a raft of new services and facilities to members and the 
millions of visitors to the site.

Every area of ISSA’s operations is also coming under scrutiny 
to ensure it demonstrates a need to be there, and a lean and cost- I believe the industry 

eficient presence too!
However, Mr Hajah is not simply inward-looking. Part of ISSA’s will start its slow 

Mission Statement is to interact with other international bodies ascent to the peaks 
and associations and Mr Hajah has already demonstrated his 

commitment to OCEAN – ISSA’s dedicated EU affairs committee.sooner than some 
In addition, he has been elected to InterManager’s ExComm 
would have you 
and is taking an active part in that distinguished body’s 
deliberations, fully supporting its many initiatives.
Weekly, the BDI makes for depressing reading but Mr 
Hajah refuses to be down-cast about shipping in general or ship 
supply in particular.

He explained: “Shipping – as everyone in it well knows – is a 
cyclical business. I have seen many peaks and many troughs and I Drawing on his lengthy experience as a former President of 

believe the industry will start its slow ascent to the peaks sooner the Singapore Association of Ship Suppliers, Mr Hajah conirmed 
than some would have you believe.he did see some green shoots of recovery in shipping which, he 

“What heartens me is that our 1,747 member companies in says, need to be nurtured.
550 ports in 94 countries around the world seem well placed to So, as ISSA faces westward and forward with the new dawn’s 

help ship owners and managers through the dificult times and sun on its back, maybe we should paraphrase that late, great Wild 
are ready to reap the rewards when rates improve and ships start West Hollywood star Bette Davis: “Fasten your seat belts. It’s 

steaming at normal speed again.going to be an interesting ride!” u

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