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Moving into a

milestone year

he Singapore Association of Ship where the individual companies would of the President and Council of SASS
Suppliers (SASS) was established probably not be successful. This lobbying to ensure that the all-important Code

in 1981 by a group of like-minded function covers a range of operational, of Ethics of ISSA is observed by the 
local ship suppliers. Their idea was to administrative and personnel initiatives.Singapore-based members. New recruits 

promote and support the economic SASS also organises missionsare carefully vetted to ensure that they 
interests of the member companies.that are used as vehicles to develop are it and capable companies, and able 

In the early days there were networking and co-operative contact to meet the demanding requirements
collective purchasing initiatives. When with organisations and operating of the industry that they support. If the 

viewed in relation to today’s situation companies elsewhere in the Asia-company does not have an ISO certiicate, 
Paciic region – most recently in China it is required to undergo an ISSA QC 
that may sound odd, but at that
time international travel and indeed and Korea. Social events, including Audit before membership is conirmed.

communications were much less readily SASS’s well-known Gala Dinners, are In recent months the major task
available than we now enjoy.organised for both the members and for SASS has been the preparation for 

Today, the individual member representatives from the many ship ISSA2015-SINGAPORE at Resorts 
companies take care of their own operating companies based in Singapore.World Sentosa. SASS last hosted an 

procurement, and SASS’s function has SASS is the Singapore Association ISSA Convention and Trade Exhibition 
moved on to keeping the membership Member of ISSA. The ship-supplier in 2006 and is looking forward to an 

abreast with relevant matters of members of SASS – the Ordinary equally successful event this year. With 
commercial interest. In addition,Members - plus some of the Associate the combination of Singapore’s 50th 

SASS has an important function of Members who opt for a full listing,Birthday, ISSA’s 60th Convention and 
communicating with departmentsare members of the International SASS moving into its 35th year, there’s 

of national Government. A trade Shipsuppliers & Services Association in the making of a memorable Convention 

association can gain access in situationstheir own right. It is the responsibilityand Exhibition! u

28 The SHIP Supplier 60th Anniversary Edition 1955-2015

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