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Dear ISSA Members and Maritime Colleagues
t is a great pleasure for me to introduce area we add value to membership. Our
you to the irst magazine of the year and NGO status with the UN, UNCTAD, EU
for the irst time as your new President.and IMO means we continue to cover all
My sincere thanks to the ISSA the legislative bases that impact upon our
Assembly – on your behalf – for believing industry. This work will continue apace
in me and electing me for the next three and if you have any problems, such as
years as ISSA President.access to ships, please let us know so we
There is much to celebrate about can take action.
ISSA. Our membership continues to rise Many ISSA Members operate their
globally as more ship suppliers recognise supply businesses on the basis of the
the added value membership brings to ISSA Conditions. These have been
fully revised and, all being well, will be
their businesses. In addition our ISSA
Members Quality Standard has reached voted into operation at the forthcoming
critical mass – and critical acclaim – and 5th ISSA Assembly in Singapore. They
continues to forge ahead. Are you an ISSA will then be deposited at The Hague,
Quality Member?Netherlands (ISSA’s registered seat)
However, times, as always, continue gaining force of law to protect you in your
to change and, as I was elected on a daily dealings. I urge all members to adopt
platform of change, I wanted to share the the ISSA Conditions as the basis of supply
Management Team’s vision with you for contracts if you do not already do so.
the irst period of my time in ofice.Talking of Singapore, it is nearly
One of my irst tasks will be to launch time for ISSA’s 60th Convention &
Trade Exhibition. At the same time our
the refreshed ISSA website which, as you
will see very shortly, contains some new Association will be celebrating 60 glorious
features which we believe will be of great years representing the economic interests
help to you.of ship suppliers worldwide. It is not too
We have formed a new credit late to join the fun - visit www.issa2015-
partnership with ISSA Lawyer Bruce to register online for
Hailey, known as ‘Watchdog’. This will this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to
enable you to rapidly and cost-effectively celebrate ISSA and its remarkable history.
check a customer’s credit-worthiness.The Convention will also celebrate
If the worst happens and payment is 50 years since the foundation of the
delayed or not forthcoming, Watchdog State of Singapore and next year our host
will assist you to recover your money.Singapore Association of Ship Suppliers will
Our ever-popular ISSA Shipcelebrate 35 years since their formation.
Stores Catalogue will shortly have its With the theme ‘Productivity &
modernised ‘back ofice’ system launched. Innovation’, all delegates will be exposed
We are inding a signiicant demandto the latest management and business
from members and their ship owner and techniques and will return home with a
manager customers alike to incorporate wealth of useful and practical information
the catalogue numbers into their back to absorb in daily operations. I urge you to
ofice purchasing systems. In addition, sign up without delay!
serious studies are being carried outIn conclusion, let me congratulate
on the future of the Catalogue as wellSean Moloney and his publishing team for
You can keep up to date with the as ‘added value’ business and inancial this bumper edition of The Ship Supplier,
latest news on the ISSA website at
services – all to be delivered online as a souvenir for all and a lasting reminder of and send in your
comments and views to the ISSA direct membership beneits.our illustrious past but even brighter and
These are just a taste of what better future.
Secretariat either by phone on +44
(0)20 7626 6236; Fax +44 (0)20 the future has in store and additional See you in Singapore!
7626 6234 or alternatively email beneits will be put forward in time.Abdul Hameed Hajah
secretariat@shipsupply.orgOf course, it is not just in the businessISSA President
The SHIP Supplier 60th Anniversary Edition 1955-2015 9