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Dear ISSA Members and Maritime Colleagues
e recently held the Executive Board members so hopefully
Executive Board Meeting they will also be ready before I stand
in Windsor, UK and much down or immediately after but it is very
of the focus was on our 60th anniversary likely that part of it could be approved
which will be celebrated during the before the end of the year.
annual ISSA Convention in Singapore With regard to the ISSA Register, we
from 24th to 26th April, 2015.
are very much on track with a good deal
It is too early to say what the of help from the national associations
celebrations will consist of but more and the Secretariat is up to speed so we
information will be released soon on the trust it will go out in time and according
Convention website which is linked to to the schedule.
the ISSA website. There will also be Membership is still up, particularly on
details on how to book your place, as well the associate membership, and although
as information on where to stay.
we have had to say goodbye to some
It is the third time Convention has members who have ceased trading, we
been held in Singapore and the first two are getting a good number of new
were very successful, so I wish the members, so the membership is growing.
We discussed the economy and organisers – ISSA and the Singapore
business for our members at the Association of Ship Suppliers – the very
recent Executive Board meeting and, best of luck with the planning and staging
as we understand it, it is very much of the 2015 event.
Workwise, we are hoping to be able dependent on the region where they
to launch the Watchdog project in the are. The Far East is developing faster
next couple of months, before my term and Africa is very positive but the
as President comes to a close at the end markets in Europe and the US are still
You can keep up to date with the
latest news on the ISSA website at of the year. It is something our a bit hesitant and in South America
members have wanted for some time quite a number of countries are doing and send in your
comments and views to the ISSA and hopefully it will have a good future poorly, so we hope for improvements
Secretariat either by phone on +44 under the ISSA umbrella.
in these parts.
(0)20 7626 6236; Fax +44 (0)20 We have other projects on the back
7626 6234 or alternatively email office and the e-catalogue and they are Jens Olsen
awaiting the last approvals from the
ISSA President
2014 Issue 62
The SHIP Supplier 7